Libcrypt PS1 Protection bible

By Red-J

Introduction :

In 1998 Sony have introduce a copy protection system on some PS1 games to prevent piracy.

In this article I will explain all informations I have grab on the net on the Playstation protection and give informations with source.

The first game which use this system is the PAL version of Medievil.

The protection verify a 16 bits key based on the cd subchannel's data to verify if the game is original or not.

We have 4 differents protections schema: LC1,LC2,LC3 & LC4

LC1 is used on the first PAL Libcrypt protected game Medievil.

LC2 is the most used.

LC3 is used in : Speed Freaks, Formule 1 '99, Tele + Premier Manager (aka Premier Manager 2000), Ronaldo V- Football, Spyro 2, Spyro 3, Sydney 2000, Men in Black: The Series - Crashdown, Lucky Luke: Western Fever

F1 2000 use LC4

List of protected game :

Solution to bypass this protection:

You can make a 1 :1 copy of your original game with clonecd and the good profile file.

You can use LSD/SBI files with emulator if he support it.

You can use SBI tool to recreate subchannel information from LSD/SBI files.

You can patch the game with PPF finded on the web and PPF-O-MATIC.

You can just try to patch the game yourself to have a universal solution which work on all software or hardware

Patching - First step : Find the Magic word value

Patching - Second step : Extract the EXE file to patch :

Patching - Third step : Patch the EXE file :

Bonus  :